Visit Las Cruces, in collaboration with NMCO Studio, embarked on a unique and engaging campaign to find the perfect Love Song for Las Cruces. The campaign aimed to discover an original song that encapsulated the beauty, culture, and charm of Las Cruces, New Mexico. The selected song would be featured in commercials produced for Visit Las Cruces, enhancing the city’s appeal as a tourist destination.
NMCO had begun working with and creating commercials for Visit Las Cruces and concluded that there wasn’t a commercial-ready song that showcased the local talent and beauty of Las Cruces.
That is when NMCO pitched the idea for the Love Song for Las Cruces contest. NMCO approached this campaign with the mindset that this would be for and about people who have a connection and relationship with Las Cruces. The look and feel of the campaign tapped into the concept of unlocking fond memories with family, friends, or out in nature. This was about touching the heart of potential contestants by initiating that feeling of love for Las Cruces.
1 Year
$15k with Partnership
Flat graphics
Motion graphics
60s video
30s video
30s radio spot
Lyric video
Live music session video
YouTube playlist
Google ads
Press release
Table tents
To ensure that all artists who submitted a song would retain ownership to their music NMCO consulted Blackgarden Law in Albuquerque, NM and spoke with a lawyer who specialized in music copyright laws. With their help, NMCO was able to develop the rules and regulations that would allow Visit Las Cruces to use the winning song in commercials and promotional materials while the artist retained their ownership and was compensated for the use of their song.
NMCO then moved into developing promotional content that evoked the feeling of nostalgia and love for Las Cruces and a webpage for artists to submit their music. After that, it was down to getting the word out.
The content announcement was deployed through social media, television spots, radio spots, and collateral placed around Las Cruces all leading potential contestants to the Love Song for Las Cruces webpage. NMCO and Visit Las Cruces released a press release gaining the attention of several local media outlets resulting in a feature in the Albuquerque Journal with mentions on several news stations.
Once the contest was closed, NMCO Studio listened to the 40 submissions to ensure they met the contest rules and criteria and then shared with Visit Las Cruces who made the final decision on the song winner.
Announcing the winner moved us into the second phase of this campaign. From here, NMCO started developing content to promote the winning song and the winner. The announcement was rolled out with a lyric video utilizing Visit Las Cruces identity structures and incorporating video, photography, and graphics. The winner was then invited to record a live session music video, still in development, and had a recording session with Moonlight Studios out of Lesmens Pro Audio to record the mastered version of their song. All this coincided with press releases, social media development, a playlist on YouTube to listen to all the submissions, and a live radio show on KRUX 91.5 FM that featured a selection of submissions and the winning song.
Camera 1
Camera 2
Camera 3
Lenses 1
Lenses 2
Lighting 1
Software 1
Camera 1
Camera 2
Camera 3
Lenses 1
Lenses 2
Lighting 1
Software 1
Christina Ballew
Lucky Gonzalez
Katrina Chandler
Dana Apodaca
Aaron Walterscheid
Sam Palm
Ralph Diaz
Jonathan Tatum
Anna Kat Hollis
Blanca Martinez
Jenna Dunlap
Michelle Bautista
Flor Hernandez
Anna Spitzer
Kahlo is our gentle, friendly, office pup! He loves his belly rubbed, sniffing absolutely everything, and hasn’t found a treat he wouldn’t eat! Be sure to say hi, he loves the attention!
Anna Kat is the driving force behind NMCO’s web development endeavors. With a sharp intellect, unwavering efficiency, and a keen eye for goals, she is the go-to expert for crafting everything from sleek landing pages to nationally acclaimed e-commerce sites. Anna Kat not only serves as your trusted web developer guide but also, if you look closely, you’ll notice she’s always impeccably color-coordinated with NMCO’s brand – a true testament to her attention to detail and commitment to the company’s image.
Meet Aaron, NMCO’s “Silent Assassin.” Despite his quiet demeanor, Aaron is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to videography, editing, color grading, drone operation, lighting, and crafting unforgettable cinematic experiences. His remarkable talent and expertise shine brightly, leaving an indelible mark on every project he touches.
Dana’s journey with NMCO has been nothing short of impressive, starting as a design intern and progressing to become a designer who now plays a pivotal role in assisting with art direction. Her dedication keeps our graphics department on track and ensures our processes are efficient and business-ready. Dana’s knack for creating identity systems has resulted in some of our most recognized work. And, if you’re fortunate enough to listen in, she’s consistently voted the best playlist in the studio.
When you have a wealth of creative content, you need someone like Lucky with 18 years of business experience to guide you on where to put it. He’s our media placement guru, with the expertise and know-how to maximize your impact. Whether it’s digital banner ads or broadcast TV, Lucky can take any budget and transform it into impressions and conversions. He’s dedicated to finding solutions for your unique challenges, making him an invaluable asset to our team.
Tina, as a co-founder of NMCO, has been on a relentless mission to redefine creative services in the southwest. Building a creative studio from the ground up was a formidable challenge, but her vision and determination have transformed NMCO into a beacon of professionalism and innovation, known for its people-centric approach and out-of-the-box thinking. While she’s taken on nearly every role in the studio, Tina’s next ambition is nothing short of global. She’s poised to take on the world with her creative endeavors.